var myarray=['copywriter, ride or dier',
'copywriter, pasty person',
'copywriter, coping barely',
'copywriter, wichita lineman',
'copywriter, health halo',
'copywriter, dog person, person person',
'copywriter, prizefighter',
'copywriter, apple bobber',
'copywriter, Emmy Award watcher',
'copywriter, ctrl + v user',
'copywriter, website coder (this one)',];
var elem=document.getElementById('myid');
ABM a big, expensive B2B for big, expensive spaces
ABM provides facility services for big spaces. That’s engineering for airports, parking for stadiums, disinfection for schools, and more places I get lost in.
From banner ads, print ads and radio to lots and lots of collateral, take a look at some of my work below.